Greenwood Primary School has a strong focus on music. A specialist teacher delivers a high quality structured program from Pre-Primary to Year 6 in learning to create, read, write, and respond to music.
Children develop their creative and expressive potential through movement, games, singing and playing of classroom instruments. They learn to collaborate with their peers and develop confidence in expressing their own ideas and emotions through making music.
Children participate in whole school singing with special events, such as Harmony Day, cross-curricula activities with our Indonesian program, and NAIDOC Day. Children learn history and geography through selected songs. They learn culture and understanding through listening to and learning songs from Indigenous artists as well as language through singing in Noongar and Indonesian.
A Christmas Concert is held on our school oval in term four and is highly regarded by Parents and community members.
Our high quality music program with a strong understanding of musical theory has enabled many of our year six children to successfully apply for scholarship programs when entering high school. This pathway provides opportunities for performance at a high level.
Instrumental Music School Services (IMSS)
Greenwood Primary offers musical tuition on classical guitar, clarinet and brass through the Instrumental Music School Services (IMSS) program.
All Year 4 children are tested using a musical aptitude test. Those who show an ability to distinguish differences in pitch and rhythm are offered a place through consultation with classroom teachers and our Associate Principal. Selected children receive 30 minutes of instruction in school time.
Clarinet and brass instruments can be hired through the Education Department for the first year. Guitar students must provide their own classical guitar.
Instrumental students are encouraged to perform in our community.
Greenwood Primary School has a link to Warwick Senior High School where students can continue to learn their instrument, join concert bands, guitar ensembles and choir.
Choir at Greenwood Primary is open to all Year 4 to Year 6 children on a volunteer basis, encouraging inclusivity of all abilities and cultural diversity. The children rehearse once a week during school hours.
They have many performance opportunities throughout the year including our school ANZAC service, choir festivals and assemblies.
The choir develops children’s skills in singing in harmony with soprano and alto voices. Rehearsing with a group of supportive friends, creates positive self esteem and strong friendship groups.
Singing Ensemble
Children may audition to participate in a small singing ensemble which rehearses during lunch time. Selected children have an opportunity to engage with others with similar talent.
It enables them to develop their music at a higher level.
The children are encouraged to sing as soloists in accompany with the choir and individually at community events.
Why Learn Music?
The benefits of learning music include teaching children to focus, improving social skills and developing confidence. Music relieves stress and improves memory; it teaches commitment and perseverance.
Playing music is FUN.