Digital Technologies

Greenwood Primary School recognises that digital technologies play a central role in transforming teaching and learning in a high-quality 21st century education system. We therefore embed the use of digital technologies within the teaching and learning throughout our school. The list and type of digital technologies is constantly evolving, and they support a range of activities across the school.

Online safety is foremost in all online activities and we apply the Western Australian Department of Education 3rd Party Management Policy which helps manage the risks around disclosure of students’ personal information to online third party services. 

Greenwood Primary School also has an Online Policy addressing students use and behaviour of the digital technology equipment within the school.  This must be endorsed by caregivers and students.

Daily emphasis by the teachers and staff encourage our students to identify, evaluate and respond appropriately to managing their screen time, online inappropriate content, cyberbullying, social media/privacy and online predators.

Lessons address the identification of threats to computer software: viruses, malware, phishing/scams and malicious downloads/attachments throughout their time at our school.

Greenwood Primary therefore offers a contemporary and technologically rich learning environment. All classrooms are equipped with interactive electronic boards which are used to their full potential. The junior areas, Kindergarten, Pre-Primary and Year 1 have height adjustable boards which enable younger student direct interaction.  There is a mobile board that can be used where needed and has been successfully incorporated into the Physical Education and Music programs at the school.

Students have access to 4 permanent desktops within their classroom and there are trolleys of laptops and iPads within each teaching area. There is a dedicated set of 20 iPads for our Indonesian Languages program. Additionally, there is a group set of 6 iPads each for Kindy, Pre-Primary, Year 1 and 2 classes. All students have access to Microsoft 365, Connect and Webex, which enable online learning if needed. To facilitate assemblies and community events, our undercover area houses a massive 3m x 1.6m LED Cube which digitally enhances the whole school experience.

The ICT lab is located in the Library.  Years 1 – 6 are timetabled to attend ICT lessons which the school has been running successfully since opening in 2010.  These sessions focus on the curriculum skills required to enable the children to successfully navigate programs needed in their technological journey.

Our library is fully automated and enables library trained students to do their own borrowing and returning. The system is cloud based which allows access for reserving and viewing of books from home.

Click the link below to enter the Greenwood Library Orbit program.

A wide range of robotic equipment within the school enables the exploration of the robotics component with students’ technology journey. The program helps develop problem solving, logical thinking, teamwork and has various mathematical applications.

Students use all of these technologies to facilitate collaboration, to solve engaging real world problems, to research and analyse information, to communicate their ideas, and to share what they create with others. 

Our community is regularly updated using the Connect app. The app allows whole school matters to be addressed as well as classroom teachers’ weekly notices regarding activities within the classroom. 

Monthly newsletters appear in the newsletter section.  

Finally, the staff are involved and continually updating their skills within the Digital Technologies area as this is the fastest unfolding area within our curriculum.