Additional Information
The school uses Connect to send out the school newsletter, general updates, reminders, events and much, much, more! You’ll receive all the information via an email notification. Connect can be accessed via the following link or the app can be downloaded to your personal device.
Qkr app by Mastercard is a secure and easy way to pay for school expenses such as excursions/incursions, voluntary contributions and PEAC. Qkr accepts all scheme debit/credit cards to offer a wide variety of payment choice.
Permission forms for excursions/incursions are completed through the Qkr app at time of payment.
The Qkr app is free and can be downloaded from the app store. Alternatively, cash payment may be made at the school office.
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones are not allowed to be used during school hours. Parents/Carers who allow their child to bring a mobile phone to school must understand the school takes no responsibility for any loss or damage to the phone. Students are asked to place their mobile phones in a box in the school office before school commences. Please refer to the Mobile Phone Policy.
Toys and Personal Equipment
Children should not bring their toys to school as loss or damage usually causes distress for the owner. Neither should personal electronic equipment be brought to school.
Children must not leave money in bags, desks, drawers or pigeonholes. If a child is too young to carry money they should hand it to their class teacher for safekeeping.
Valuable rings, watches and other such expensive items should NOT be brought to school. Staff cannot guarantee their safety.
Parent/Carer Involvement
Parents/Carers are welcomed into our school to assist in a voluntary capacity. Please liaise closely with the classroom teachers involved.
Homework falls into the following categories:
- practice or consolidation of work taught in class
- research work for individual or group subjects
- family/home based challenges
Most homework given in Pre-Primary to Year 6 may consist of oral or silent home reading, learning of spelling and basic number facts. Class teachers form their class homework policy within these categories and communicate it to parents/carers.
Note: Homework will NOT be given as a matter of policy. Rather it will be given according to the child’s needs.