Moral Purpose

Greenwood Primary School will build a school community whereby students develop intellectual curiosity and creativity that will enable them to fulfil their academic, social and emotional potential.

We will provide opportunities to inspire students to become moral, environmentally conscious, local and global citizens who will contribute positively to society.

Staff Beliefs to build moral purpose

It is an expectation that all staff who are employed or engaged at Greenwood primary School be accountable to our agreed behavioural statements. The following provides behavioural indicators for staff to clarify what needs to be evident for us to work towards achieving our moral purpose.

Intellectual Curiosity and Creativity

  • Provide specialist visual arts, music, dance, physical education, science, Digital Technologies, Instrumental Music School Services (IMSS) program, choir, languages (Indonesian), PEAC and swimming.
  • Provide opportunities for students to participate in school and community events.
  • Engage students in manipulative (hands on), digital, oral and written learning.
  • Maintain an engaging play space across the school, looking at both “Adventure Play” concepts and curriculum linked play opportunities (incorporating the School Values).
  • Provide a stimulating learning environment through incursions and excursions, assembly items, school and community gardening projects, enterprise activities and providing opportunities for problem solving.
  • Engage with community members who have a speciality skill set to offer our students.
  • Celebrate special days.
  • Collaborate with targeted secondary teachers, where appropriate, to engage our students.
  • Provide timely and appropriate workshops to enhance their capacity to develop children’s curiosity and creativity.

Social and Emotional Potential

  • Develop resilience through a whole school program, incorporating The Department Protective Behaviours program, and the School Drug Education and Road Aware (SDERA) program – Challenges and Choices.
  • Create calculated risk takers across the school by providing opportunities for children to engage with nature play areas (utilising community involvement).
  • Deliver a whole school values program including assembly promotion and class focused awards.
  • Provide specialist staff to support students’ social and emotional needs, e.g. School Chaplain and School Psychologist.
  • Model and live positive behaviours, e.g. appropriate values, rules, friendship, social courtesies and resilience.
  • Acknowledge cultural diversity by engaging in activities related to National Aboriginal and Islander Day of Celebration (NAIDOC), Harmony Day, Anzac Day, providing inclusive food at the canteen, growing different vegetables and recognising global religions.
  • Positively engage and communicate with parents/caregivers to develop the understanding that they are welcome in our school and feel supported in dealing with their children. This will include provision of workshops to enhance parent and community support of children’s social and emotional development.

Moral and Environmental Conscience

  • Utilise the Greenwood Primary School Values Program to develop a focus for students on specific traits that demonstrate the qualities of a good citizen, such as resilience and responsibility.
  • Model an understanding of cultural diversity and celebrate different cultures and religions with our student population.
  • Ensure strategies are in place to promote and value inclusion for all students; such as
    • Case management processes
    • Students at Educational Risk (SAER) processes
    • Student leadership opportunities
  • Engage in the Greenwood Primary School Sustainability Program which actively promotes environmentally responsible actions through:
    • Promoting the 3 Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) raising students’ awareness and effective management of waste by composting scraps, worm farming, gardening and recycling of aluminium, paper, batteries and e-gadgets.
    • Caring for the physical environment by managing litter removal and planting trees in the school community.
    • Witnessing and immersion in community recycling and rehabilitation.
    • Monitoring the school’s efficient use of energy and resources.